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ABOUT Anthony

Certification in the following

Usui Reiki Master in 2012

Karuna Reiki Master 2013

Continuing Advancement in Reiki

Karuna Holy Fire Reiki Master

Usui and Karuna Holly Fire II Reiki Master

Usui and Karuna Holly Fire III Reiki Master

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I would like to introduce myself, share with you how I was guided to Reiki

My name is Anthony.

I believe in divine guidance!

My Journey started when I was diagnosed with some neck issues back in 2000. I always believed in the power of prayer, this comes from my spiritual upbringing. So in 2000, I went to Father Ralph DiOrio Healing service, 6 times in 5 months. I felt a Spiritual, Physcial, and Emotional, healing each time I got anointed with oil. I know now my healing was up to me and Jesus as to which path I would take. I my body and being felt better. I was able to do my daily activites.

If we only listen to our inner guidance
Divine intervention would step in again

In the Spring of 2011 I met this lady at the supermarket. We started the conversion on the power of Prayer. The lady informed me she is a Reiki Master. She talked about how Reiki would help me.

So in June 2011 I attended a introductory talk by Myra, a Reiki Master/Teacher. I was intrigued by the Reiki talk, so I signed up for Reiki I. I knew at this point in my life I either start going to the doctors more or try Reiki. 

When I gave myself Reiki the first couple of weeks my throat would vibrate around the neck area, I knew that this was a healing taking place, I welcome it! For me, now when I give myself Reiki that area will start to vibrate when it needs attention. 

My Passion for Reiki

The next two years that followed I became a Usui Reiki Master and a Karuna Reiki Master.

I have upgraded to Usui and Karuna Holy Fire Reiki, a higher vibration.

For me Reiki has kept my body in balance

My mind calm, and secure.

I come with gratitude, compassion and gentleness.

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